Complimentary Opinion Of Value

Meet our Dallas Cowboy Championship Ambassadors

Complimentary Opinion Of Value

Meet our Dallas Cowboy Championship Ambassadors

Laredo Mergers And Acquisitions Firms

We are one of the leading Laredo mergers and acquisitions firms that specialize in helping companies find the right fit so they can reach their next level of success, whether you are looking to acquire another business or sell your own.

Our clients trust us because we have a strong reputation within the business community, which has helped us become one of the top firms in this region.


M&A can be a great way for your company to expand, increase your revenue base and profit. Our Laredo mergers and acquisitions advisors assist businesses with:

  • Growing market share by acquiring another company that has a similar product or service
  • Increasing the value of the stock price through an IPO
  • Business valuations, financial planning and exit strategies


  • Determining Value – This means establishing exactly how much your company is worth at this point in time. This step can be difficult if there isn’t an established market price for similar businesses in similar fields, in which case mergers and acquisitions firms in Laredo TX will use our proven process of calculating industry averages.
  • Finding Buyers or the Right Business to Acquire – For buyers, we will help manage risks that may arise during the process of acquiring a business by carefully screening available assets. We manage risk for sellers by properly valuing assets and maximizing value.
  • Negotiations – Whether you’re negotiating with a company that you’d like to acquire or with a seller who wants the highest price possible, it’s important to know how to conduct yourself during the negotiating process. Our professional mergers and acquisitions advisors in Laredo TX can help you navigate complex deals.


We don’t care about the size of your business or how much money it’s making. We are interested only in helping you grow your company, whether it’s a small family restaurant or a large corporation.

When it’s time to develop strategies that will help you achieve your goals, please consider one of the top Laredo mergers and acquisitions firms and call MDR & Associates at (855) 637-2776 for a free Discovery Meeting.