Complimentary Opinion Of Value

Meet our Dallas Cowboy Championship Ambassadors

Complimentary Opinion Of Value

Meet our Dallas Cowboy Championship Ambassadors

Dallas M&A Advisory Firm

Welcome to the premier Dallas M&A advisory firm. We are MDR & Associates, focused on lining up a competitive deal for your business. Since our firm’s establishment, our staff has successfully managed over 200 transactions in our business history, which speaks to the effectiveness of our practices and depth of our knowledge.

Much of the reason that so many lawyers, CPAs and financial advisors regard MDR & Associates as the go-to M&A advisory firm in Dallas TX is because the innovative way we do business. We are not like all the other Dallas M&A business brokers.

A Christian M&A advisory firm in Dallas TX

Our focus on maintaining Christian values within our work is not lost on our clients. They appreciate doing business with professionals that place an emphasis on integrity and professionalism.

The team at MDR & Associates also strives to deliver service that is built around confidentiality and transparency. This is your business and your legacy. You need to know that it is being handled in an honest manner that has your best interests at heart.

MDR & Associates is very selective about who we work with. We want to only work with the clients that we are confident we can deliver results for. Meet with our Dallas M&A advisory firm for a free discovery meeting. There, we can comb through your business and see if MDR & Associates might serve as a valuable asset for you.